The 3 Pillars of a Retirement Plan

We are bombarded with financial advice from everywhere: news outlets, social media, even your bartender with a Bitcoin wallet. Everyone is trying to tell you what to do with your money, but they don’t have your vision for the future; “everyone” doesn’t have a plan for a secure retirement. Instead of navigating the financial world without direction, enjoy peace of mind with a retirement plan as your roadmap.

Every great retirement plan has 3 pillars:

  1. Growth
  2. Income
  3. Protection


This first pillar is pretty obvious: you want to take your money and make more money with it. This is done by investing your money with the specific intent of growing it, well before retirement age, with plenty of time to recover from a market correction.


When you finally get to retirement, the focus changes. You’ve spent all this time accumulating, and now it’s time to spend it! After growing your savings, we create a reliable and predictable monthly income with the least amount of risk in our investments. This leads right into our third pillar:


When we think of protection, it’s concerning two things: taxes and loss. You’ll want to be sure that when your monthly income arrives, that it comes in the most tax-efficient way possible. There are a variety of strategies that could limit how much is taken in taxes during retirement or even be tax-free. Also, we want to protect ourselves from losing some of our income due to risk in the stock market.

Each of these pillars, when implemented at the right time with the right knowledge, will give you a reliable financial future so you can live the kind of life you want to in retirement. If you’re worried about your retirement plan, come see Coach Pete or one of his advisors to discuss it.  Call the Capital Financial team at 919-657-4201 to get a true practical review and let them help layout the roadmap to your retirement!