6 Financial Blind Spots to be on the lookout for

Managing your finances can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Fiduciary planners like Peter J. D’Arruda help clients conquer financial hurdles and prepare for better fiscal futures every day. D’Arruda, best known as “Coach Pete,” is a Master Registered Financial Consultant and president of Capital Financial USA, a financial advisory and consulting firm headquartered in Apex. He said …

Retirement Planning During a Pandemic

The crisis stemming from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has thrown our society into an unprecedented state of fear and uncertainty. In a relatively short span of time, this invisible enemy has turned our entire world upside-down, disrupting every aspect of life as we know it. School is different. Work is different. Business is different. It may feel like the financial world …

5 Keys to a Successful Retirement

It’s estimated there are more than 49 million retirees living in the United States today. Fiduciary planner Peter J. D’Arruda said retirement isn’t something that happens, it’s something you plan for. “Retirement is essentially at least 20, if not 40 years of unemployment,” said D’Arruda, who is best known as Coach Pete. D’Arruda is a Master Registered Financial Consultant who …

How ‘color-coding’ your money can help you prepare for retirement

Planning your financial future can be intimidating, which may be why almost half of all Americans lack a concrete retirement plan. However, developing a strong retirement strategy now will pay dividends in the future, and, luckily, the process is not as difficult as it might seem. In reality, creating your retirement fund can be as simple as color-coding your finances …

Why you need to routinely update your life insurance policy

When running the gamut of insurance coverage, life insurance is often thought of as a one-time decision. While other types of insurance policies may change yearly, once you’ve picked a suitable life insurance policy, you may feel as if you’re set for decades. But in reality, it’s not quite as simple as that. In fact, life insurance policies can be …

Saving The Day

There is always a question of, “What is the market going to do?” I don’t care what TV station you turn on or what radio station you tune to, they’ve all got different ideas. I think in the financial world, a lot more focus needs to be put on not where the markets are going and not what’s going to …

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Wealth Psychology

A few months back, I had a rather wealthy client literally explode into tears in my office. She was heartbroken at how her children and grandchildren were always fighting, never able to save a penny, and not one seemed to appreciate the amount of work she and her deceased husband had put into building a sizable estate and a chain …

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It’s Your Business – Afraid of Change

It’s Your Business – Afraid of Change We want to do things that are right and repeat them over and over again.  But as a business owner, it’s good to change things up from time to time.  #1 change is technology.  People don’t realize how technology out in your industry will change the competitive nature of who is going to be your next competitor, looking …